Monday, April 18, 2011


Angel had her first oral presentation 2 weeks ago in her french class. The children were permitted to choose any subject they wanted. I suggested Ballet, Trips to Mexico or even our recent vacation to Cuba.

However, my little flower had already decided what her project will be about. To my surprise she chose her adoption story...I must say I tried very hard to discourage her. I felt that it would not only be a difficult subject to discuss in french, I also thought that it may be too emotional for her and that the other students may ask her inappropriate questions.

Well, my little Angel responded to my concerns in this way...

"Mom, everyone knows that I was born in China and that I am adopted so what is the big deal"

So, I agreed and we began preparing for her project. First I asked her what she wanted to say. She wanted to talk about every single detail related to her adoption story including the one child policy and the giving up of girls in order to keep the boys. We collected pictures and managed to make a time line type of presentation on a bristle board.
Her oral was to be three minutes long and she put together a ten minute long story. We worked very hard on condensing it over and over until we had it down to three and a half minutes.

She practiced and practiced until she had it quite down pact and off she went ready and proud.

The results....15 out of 15 !!!! The teacher said it was "MANIFIQUE" she was the only student that did not use Q-cards and she delivered a perfect oral. Her teacher said that she was confident, interesting and proud.

She passed around to the class her adoption certificate, pictures of her at the orphanage and her picture of her visit to the great wall. Angel explained to the class that her Chinese name means "BLOOMING FLOWER" and how much she enjoys it when I call her "my little flower"

We are so very proud of her and how she has come to understand her adoption. Often I have second guessed myself and wondered if I have told her too much. After her attitude with this project and the positive outlook that she has shown, I think we did alright!!!

Below are some pictures of Angel and her GREAT PROJECT


laura said...

Love it! Good job Angel!

Wanda said...

What a girl. She's so proud of her.