Monday, August 9, 2010


Forever Day? Gotcha Day? Family Day? Adoption Day?

What should we call it...well, for me it was ..." GOD'S LOVE DAY"... The day that My loving God placed my baby Georgia in my arms and I felt His love so, so deeply touch my heart...that even now as I write this post I am humbled and feel an overwhelming desire to drop to my knees before my Lord and moan out to him thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for the gift of my children. As I write this I cannot fight back the tears of joy that are running down my cheeks when I think of this day a year ago in China. All I can say is this...No matter what happens in my life I have known God's true love through Angel and Georgia and there is no bigger blessing in this world!!!!

A year ago today we were in a bus heading to the civil affairs building in Changsha to meet our little flower Georgia for the first time. Until this moment all I had was a picture... a piece of cardboard that I had kissed a thousand times for two months.

Now, finally we were almost there and the excitement and emotions were overwhelming, not to mention the 50 degrees heat wave. As the bus got closer to our destination, I was looking out the window into the busy streets of China, watching thousands of people walking. Through the hustle and bustle I saw three Chinese women each carrying a baby and I immediately recognized my Georgia. I screamed out to Angelo..."I just saw Georgia" He laughed and said to me "Honey, how can you have seen Georgia in this crowd of a million people...just relax." Well, you know what when you stare at a picture every moment for 2 months you get to know that little face and you can spot it in any crowd and I turned out that it was her. The nannies had come in from Ningyuan the night before and had stayed in a hotel with the babies near the civil affairs building and they were walking over to meet us.

When baby Georgia was placed in my arms my heart skipped a beat and my knees got weak. I was shocked at how tiny and light she was...she felt like she weighed nothing and looked like a little sparrow. Although I can sense her fear I felt confident and knew that this baby was born to be mine...destined to be my daughter.

Just imagine this...a world apart one day...and in each other's arms FOREVER the next day!!! Wow, it still blows my mind how God does things and whenever I am down or in any doubt all I have to do is think back on these moments.

I will never forget the moments when each of my baby girls were placed in my arms...I will never forget how those moments felt like the earth just stopped and there was just us and our Lord...I will never ever,ever forget.

Thank-you Lord for blessing us with Georgia and Angel. May you continue to help us serve them well and may they know you and your love as we have.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour

And now for a little update on Georgia...she is full of trouble!!!! Georgia is the happiest most joyful little soul around. She even points to herself now and tells us "". She is growing well, bonding well and developing well...but do not let this little sweet face fool you...turn your back and she can cause all kinds of trouble!!! But I wouldn't change a thing about her..we love her just the way she is.

What is Georgia doing now...

She is speaking more English than Greek...I just don't get it?
She is playing pretend Mommy with her bunny
She is finding new things to climb on in the house everyday
She can fall asleep on her own
She finds it hysterical when I talk to her English...she laughs out loud
She sits down at her little table and looks at her books calmly
She is talking more and loves to repeat what we say and then she gives us that shy proud look...adorable.
She likes to call out to Angel when supper is ready
She loves to play hide and go seek
She is loving us more and more each day
She is enjoying being our little JOY BUNNY

Oh and...
She can throw the Windex bottle in the toilet bowl while Mommy is cleaning it with Ajax...splash...yuk all over Mommy's face!!!

She can poke a small hole in a garbage bag and slowly pull out yukky stuff when Mommy is not looking!!!

She can softly write with a pen all over the back of Angel's favorite dress while unsuspecting Angel is watching t.v. and then smile in pride of her artwork.

She can roll between my legs while I am mopping the floor

Really, isn't she incredible!!!

Love you baby have rocked our a good way!!!




Our family said...

OOOOOOH you have such a beautiful way with words....

I am so happy for you and your family. You have been so blessed.

May God's love continue to shine in your heart.

xoxo Jennifer

Wanda said...

IT HAS BEEN AND INCREDIBLE YEAR hasn't it my dear, dear friend (And fellow mama-bear!)

I'm forever grateful that we get to share 2 forever days with you. And what a precious gift Georgia has become. We just love her so!

Me too.....I'll never forget our moment in Beijing! Love you always!

Debbie Sauer said...

I remember our day in Changsha, when we got our granddaughter, Gracie. There is no feeling like it. If you haven't been through it, you have no idea what your heart goes through. Blessings

4D said...

What an incredible year!! For us it has been even more special for getting to know you all more and spending time together.

Keep smilin!